
RES 402

Fluid Flow in Porous Media and Its Application in Reservoir Engineering

The primary focus for the course is to provide the attendees with gained knowledge and experience related to fluid flow in porous media and its applications in the Oil and Gas industry.


Code Date Location price (€)*
RES 402 16 - 20 Oct 2023 Accra 3990
RES 402 15 – 19 Jan 2024 Online 1990
RES 402 19 – 23 Aug 2024 Online 1990
RES 402 22 – 26 Jul 2024 Amsterdam 3990
RES 402 14 – 18 Oct 2024 Accra 3990

* Prices are subject to VAT and local terms. Ph.D. students, groups (≥ 3 persons) and early bird registrants (8 weeks in advance) are entitled to a DISCOUNT!


The primary focus for the course is to provide the attendees with gained knowledge and experience related to fluid flow in porous media and its applications in the Oil and Gas industry.

The process of flow through porous media is of interest to a wide range of engineers and scientists, in addition to politicians and economists who recognize the importance of groundwater flows and a variety of oil recovery (primary, secondary, and ternary) processes. The main objective of this course is to present the mathematical relationships that are designed to describe the flow of the reservoir fluids through reservoir rocks. The mathematical forms of these relationships will vary depending upon the characteristics of the porous media such as the porous heterogeneity and wettability conditions. The mechanism of some enhanced oil recovery methods and how such mechanisms and permeable media characteristics can influence on the oil recovery improvement will be demonstrated.


5 days
Day 1

 o Porosity

 o Permeability

 o Wettability and Capillary pressure

 o Relative Permeability

 o Mathematical Models for Predicting Two or Three-Phase

 o Relative Permeability

 o Experimental Methods for o Relative Permeability Measurements

 o Factors Affecting Relative Permeability

Day 2

o Step-1: The expression of the problem in mathematical language

o Step-2: The appropriate mathematical formulation

o Step-3: The interpretation of the results

o Analysis of Important Oil and Gas Engineering Processes

o Diffusive and Convective Flow

o Steady-State Flow

o Time-Dependent Processes without Spatial Variation

o Steady-state Processes Including Spatial Variation

o Time-Dependent Processes Including Spatial Variation

Day 3

o Fundamental Equation of Filtration.
  o Differential Form of the Darcy-Law
  o Anisotropic Porous Media
o Equation of State
o Equation of continuity
o Special Forms of the Equation of Filtration
o Real and Ideal Gases
o Boundary and Initial Conditions

Day 4

o Steady State Filtration
o Non-Steady State Filtration in Infinite Acting Systems
o Dimensionless Variables
o Non-Steady State Filtration in a Finite System
o Boundary conditions
o Non-Steady State Filtration in Linear System

Day 5

o Equation of Two-Phase Filtration
o Influence of Gravity and Capillary Force
o Determination of Effective Capillary Pressures for Porous Media from Imbibition/drainage Data
o Two-phase flow in gas condensate reservoirs
o Miscible Displacement in Porous Media
o Diffusion/Dispersion in porous Media


Dr. Zaman Ziabakhsh Ganji



The course is designed for Petroleum Engineers, Hydrogeology Engineers, Geologists,
Petrophysicists, Geo-modelers, Reservoir Engineers Management and Simulation.


o Basic to Intermediate


The learning objectiveof the top-most level content of the course are:
o Fundamental Properties of Porous Media
o Mathematical Treatment of Engineering Problems
o Fundamental of Single Phase Flow in Porous Media
o Fundamental of Two Phase Flow in Porous Media
o Convective-Dispersive Flow in Porous Media


Registration is now OPEN!

* Prices are subject to VAT and local terms. Ph.D. students, groups (≥ 3 persons) and early bird registrants (8 weeks in advance) are entitled to a DISCOUNT!

For more details and registration please send email to:


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