
RES 428

Capillarity in Porous Media at Different Scale


Code Date Location price (€)*
RES 428 20 - 24 Nov 2023 Online 1990
RES 428 16 - 20 Oct 2023 Abu Dhabi 3990
RES 428 15 – 18 Jan 2024 Online 1790
RES 428 18 – 21 Nov 2024 Online 1790
RES 428 22 – 25 Apr 2024 Oslo 3490
RES 428 14 – 17 Oct 2024 Abu Dhabi 3490

* Prices are subject to VAT and local terms. Ph.D. students, groups (≥ 3 persons) and early bird registrants (8 weeks in advance) are entitled to a DISCOUNT!



4 days
Day 1

o  Molecular considerations
o  Surface tension vs interfacial tension
o  Wettability, hydrophobicity, and capillarity
o  Rise (or fall) of fluids in a capillary tube
o  Definitions of capillary pressure
o  Young’s equation and Young-Laplace equation
o  Two-phase displacement in a tube

Day 2

o  Concepts of representative Elementary Volume (REV) and averaging *
o  Link between capillary pressure-saturation curve and pore-scale capillarity *
o  Measurement of capillary pressure-saturation curves at core scale
o  Features of capillary pressure-saturation curves for hydrophobic & hydrophilic porous media                                                                                                                                                  o  Derivation of capillarity equation based on principles of rational thermodynamics

Day 3

o  Lab measurement of capillary pressure curves: Porous Plate, Centrifuge, and Mercury injection methods
o  Capillary pressure-saturation curves under flow conditions; dynamic capillarity theory
o  Practical significance of dynamic capillarity in modelling two-phase flow
o  Equations of two-phase flow including dynamic capillarity and their behavior
o  Pore size distribution calculation using capillary pressure curve
     o   Soave-Redlich-Kwong (SRK) EOS 
     o   Peng-Robinson (PR) EOS                                                              o   Volume Shift
     o   Three-parameter EOS 
     o    Attraction Term Temperature Dependency 
o Mixing Rules

Day 4

o  Equations of two-phase flow including dynamic capillarity and their behavior
o   Non-equilibrium interphase heat and mass transfer during two-phase flow
       in porous media


Professor Majid Hassanizadeh



The course is designed for petroleum engineers, reservoir engineers, experimentalists, and modelers.

  •  Intermediate 

The participants will learn:
o Origin of properties such as wettability and capillarity
o Basic formulas for capillarity at the pore scale
o Capillarity at the core scale
o Laboratory measurement of capillary pressure-saturation relationship
o Capillarity at the reservoir scale and the link to laboratory measurements
o Advanced theories of capillarity and their consequences for modelling two-phase flow through porous media


Registration is now OPEN!

* Prices are subject to VAT and local terms. Ph.D. students, groups (≥ 3 persons) and early bird registrants (8 weeks in advance) are entitled to a DISCOUNT!

For more details and registration please send email to:


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