
RES 406

Petroleum Engineering For Non-Petroleum Engineers


Code Date Location price (€)*
RES 406 16 - 20 Oct 2023 Kuala Lumpur 3990
RES 406 11 – 15 Mar 2024 Online 1990
RES 406 16 – 20 Sep 2024 Online 1990
RES 406 15 – 19 Jan 2024 London 3990
RES 406 14 – 18 Oct 2024 Kuala Lumpur 3990

* Prices are subject to VAT and local terms. Ph.D. students, groups (≥ 3 persons) and early bird registrants (8 weeks in advance) are entitled to a DISCOUNT!


This course is designed to provide non-engineering petroleum industry technical professionals with a thorough overview of most key aspects of petroleum engineering technology and its applications.



5 days
Day 1

o Introduction to Petroleum Industry
o Origin of Petroleum
o Prerequisites for Hydrocarbon Accumulation
o Types of Hydrocarbon Reservoir
o Exploration Method of Oil & Gas Fields
o Reservoir Rock Properties
o Well log

Day 2

o History of Drilling
o Drilling Types
o Drilling Rigs & Equipment
o Drilling Bit Types & Application
o Drill String & Equipment
o Drilling Fluids
o Casing

Day 3

o Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering o Reservoir Fluid Properties
o Reservoir types & Reservoir Drive Mechanism
o Hydrocarbon Reserve Estimation
o Reservoir Modeling and Simulation
o Well Testing

Day 4

o Well Completion Types
o Perforation
o Well Stimulation, Acidizing, Hydraulic Fracturing
o Artificial Lift

Day 5

o Introduction to primary, secondary and tertiary recovery
o EOR with Gas Injection
o Chemical EOR
o Thermal EOR
o Enhanced gas recovery


Dr. Babak Moradi



o Fresh graduate, newly employed petroleum and reservoir engineers
o Senior petroleum and reservoir engineers
o Chemical Engineers
o Petroleum and Gas administrative

  •  Intermediate 

 o General reservoir fluid classifications; An overview of the PVT phase behavior and its importance
in the upstream and downstream process design Overview of PVT test methods: CVD, CCE, DL, Flash, and etc.
o Challenges and Errors associated with Sampling and Recombination of Gas Condensate Fluids; A
Unified Approach for Quality Control (QC) of Drill Stem Test (DST) and PVT Data
o PVT correlations and Physical property estimation: Black oil and Compositional
o Forward- and Backward-material balance of CVD Data
o Fluid Characterization: from classical to novel approaches
o Equation of State Tuning: State-of-the-Art approach; Integrated Characterization and a Tuning Strategy for the PVT Analysis of Representative Fluid


Registration is now OPEN!

* Prices are subject to VAT and local terms. Ph.D. students, groups (≥ 3 persons) and early bird registrants (8 weeks in advance) are entitled to a DISCOUNT!

For more details and registration please send email to:


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